December 15, 2019 · Filed Under Events and News 

Time to renew your AHNA membership dues. It’s $25 for regular, associate and business members, $20 for seniors.

Please make your check out to AHNA and mail to PO Box 470692, Fort Worth, TX 76147.

To confirm that you’re already paid up, email lbosken@icloud.com.

If you want to know what the dues are used for, here are just a few things:

Dues help to finance the annual Fire Station 18 party that celebrates our historic fire station (100 years old in 2023!) and neighborhood firefighters every spring, as well as the National Night Out party at Thomas Place Community Center every October, and the legendary AHNA Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner. Dues also pay for the AHNA meeting signs our incredible volunteer sign squad puts out every month throughout the neighborhood.  Dues cover the cost of the AHNA website and its upkeep, the AHNA PO Box, as well as office supplies and expenses, like name tags and copying for fliers, agendas, programs, and presentations. Then, there’s postage and the League of Neighborhoods membership, too.


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