Yards are beginning to pop with color as spring arrives. This handsome historic Arlington Heights bungalow at 4716 Pershing Avenue is close to 100 years old. (Photo by Lori Bosken)
The tasteful plantings of white pansies beneath holly and boxwood shrubbery blend well with the beautifully restored home at 4716 Pershing Avenue. Deedeie Curry has lived there for thirty years and has enjoyed watching her pecan and live oak trees grow into giants.
The best action is in the side yard where Deedeie has decorated for Easter. (Photo by Deedeie Curry)
Deedeie received a $25 gift certificate to Archie’s Gardenland, courtesy of Arlington Heights Neighborhood Association, and a free year’s membership in AHNA.
If you’d like to nominate a yard, even your own, please send the address to president@arlingtonheightsna.com.