Harley Avenue is a major arterial on the City’s current Master Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) and currently exists as an undivided 4 lane facility. The 2004 Capital Improvement Program included $9,060,000 for the re-alignment of Harley Avenue between University Drive and Montgomery Street. The construction is expected to start as early as March of 2012 with design to commence later this year pending the revision to roadway alignment.
The re-alignment will provide for better access to additional parking that is contemplated to serve the Will Rogers Memorial Center and to accommodate an appropriately sized site for a future arena. In addition, this alignment better mirrors the existing drainage, as the City will need to make significant drainage improvements along this proposed corridor.
To view the proposed plan, click Harley MTP Amendment. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Julia McCleeary prior to Sept. 22nd.
Julia M. McCleeary, Senior Planner
City of Fort Worth | Planning and Development
Project Management Division
1000 Throckmorton Street | Fort Worth, TX 76102
Ph: 817.392.2593 | Fx: 817.392.8016