Drivers traveling near the West Seventh Street bridge may experience lane closures Aug. 30-Nov. 15 as crews relocate utilities in preparation for replacing the bridge.
These closings are planned:
- Seventh Street from Stayton Street to Fournier Street: multiple lane closures
- Harrold Street closed from Sixth Street to Seventh Street
- Forest Park Boulevard from 10th Street to Fifth Street: multiple lane closures
- Fifth Street from Forest Park Boulevard to Penn Street: multiple lane closures
- 10th Street from Forest Park Boulevard to Penn Street: multiple lane closures
- Fournier Street from Seventh Street to 10th Street: multiple lane closures
The lane closures are part of the $25.9 million replacement of the bridge by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in conjunction with the City of Fort Worth.
The existing West Seventh Street bridge is 982 feet long and 57 feet wide, with four traffic lanes and 4.8-foot sidewalks on each side. The proposed bridge will be 981 feet long and 88 feet wide with four traffic lanes and 10-foot sidewalks on each side to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists.