March 23, 2010 · Filed Under Events and News 

The next time you cut your grass with a gasoline-powered mower, you might want to think about this: one gas mower running for an hour pollutes as much as eight new cars driving 55 mph for the same amount of time.

As part of its efforts to raise awareness about air quality issues, the City of Fort Worth is hosting a lawn mower exchange program to help residents make the switch from gasoline- to electric-powered lawnmowers. The Mow Down Air Pollution program will give residents an opportunity to purchase a new, cordless electric mower for only $99 – more than 70 percent off the retail price – by trading in a gasoline mower. Only a limited number of electric-powered mowers are available.

The Duracell-powered Neuton CE 5 mower offered in the program produces no pollution or carbon emissions and provides up to one hour of mowing on a single charge. It starts with the push of a button and, since it doesn’t use gas or oil, it never needs a tune-up.

Online registration for the Mow Down Air Pollution program opens Sunday, March 28. The new mowers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The first 106 Fort Worth residents to register online at will be invited to exchange a working gasoline lawn mower – emptied of gas and oil – at La Grave Field for a voucher to purchase the new one. All the gas mowers that are turned in will be scrapped and the metal recycled.

This event is made possible with funding from contributions in settlement of an enforcement action brought by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.


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