March 10, 2010 · Filed Under Events and News 

Maintaining a safe and attractive place for residents is vital to the quality of life in the City of Fort Worth. Ensuring that neighborhoods are kept clean and safe has always been a partnership between the City and its residents and part of that effort includes maintaining public rights of way.

When budget times were better, the Parks and Community Services Department maintained public rights of way – mowing, trimming and disposing of grass and brush clippings – even though it is the responsibility of property owners.

However, in order to help reduce this year’s budget shortfall, the City eliminated funding for right of way maintenance. This means that property owners who are legally responsible for their rights of way must make sure that these areas are in compliance with City Code which requires that grass be no taller than 12 inches in height and that the area is free of debris.

The Parks and Community Services Departments will continue to maintain parkland, medians and boulevards.

For more information about right of way maintenance, call Parks and Community Services at 817-392-CALL (2255).


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