MEETING Thursday 5/18 @ 6pm – MU Zoning

May 17, 2017 · Filed Under Events and News 

Meeting you don’t want to miss 

Thursday, May 18

City Council Chambers

200 Texas St, FW, TX  76102


MU (Mixed-Use) or UR-Zoning close to us in Arlington Heights
On Thursday, May 18th at 6:00 in City Council Chambers city staff is holding a special open meeting to present the most recent proposed changes to MU and UR Zoning and hear comments from all interested, and all of us who live in Arlington Heights should be interested.

Many of the proposed 28 changes to the ordinance are welcome changes.  However, some might cause even more density, less parking and other changes that may threaten your neighborhoods.

The “poster child” for Fort Worth’s urban village/mixed use zoning concept is So 7 where it has been unfolding over the last 10 years.   Today, traffic congestion and the lack of parking spaces have emerged as the biggest challenges in So7, largely because of the dramatic reduction in parking requirements that come with mixed use zoning.  Another challenge in So7 is the predominance of bars in the area:  40 with 4 more in the works.  This does not include the almost 20 restaurants that serve alcohol.  Among the new changes proposed for mixed use zoning is adding bars to MU-1 which currently prohibits them.

Please join with other neighbors, neighborhoods associations, & neighborhood leaders to speak up at tomorrows meeting:

Thursday May 18

6:00 p.m.

City Council Chambers


Comments are closed.