Construction on the new Thomas Place Community Center parking lot came to an unexpected halt, but should be completed in October.
Everything was going along just fine on the new parking lot project at Thomas Place Community Center. The plan is to replace the asphalt with concrete and add a few islands in the middle of it. But, the project hit a snag when it came to the dumpster enclosure. So, it’s back to the drawing board with expectations that everything will be completed sometime in October. National Night Out will be held on the center’s soccer field on Tuesday October 3, with the possibility of temporarily closing off Lafayette Ave. for the night. Stay tuned, but the party will absolutely go on at the center this year.
Thomas Place Community Center has been on a roll lately. Despite being one of the city’s smallest community centers, Thomas Place is among the top five performing centers in Fort Worth. Its summer and after school programs are in such high demand there are always waiting lists for them. This fall’s after school program serves 75 kids, with another 10 waiting for an opening. More than 100 kids attended summer camp there this year, with another 50 on the waiting list. The recently inaugurated Rising Stars program caters to teens and provides them with skills to succeed in business and in life. Interior renovations at the center are almost done and new exercise equipment is on the way.