Next Sustainability Task Force Public Meeting Aug. 10

August 6, 2009 · Filed Under Events and News 

The Sustainability Task Force has begun work on Phase II of a comprehensive Sustainability Plan for the City of Fort Worth. The second phase will consider initiatives that affect city operations: the vehicle fleet, facilities, infrastructure and amenities and materials and equipment.

The first public meeting on the second phase is at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 10 at Shamblee Branch Library, 1062 Evans Ave. Possible initiatives relating to city facilities, infrastructure and amenities, and conservation of materials and resources will be discussed.

Soon, the task force will consider initiatives regarding the city fleet and purchasing initiatives. These will be presented at a public meeting in September.

Phase I of the plan focused on private development and initiatives that would improve the sustainability of development in the city. The task force considered 51 initiatives and prioritized 17 items for an action plan, which city staff is implementing in coordination with stakeholders. Action plan items are varied in scope and will affect conservation efforts, air and water quality and energy efficiency of new commercial construction.

Phase III of the Sustainability Plan will consider individual efforts and should be under way in late fall.

Examples of initiatives that may be considered in this phase are education and outreach for residents and businesses, conservation efforts and retrofitting existing structures.

To learn more, visit the Sustainability Task Force’s Web page.



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