February 20, 2010 · Filed Under Events and News 

When record snowfall from the recent storm melted, streets reappeared with many more potholes than before. Today the Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) is launching a citywide pothole blitz to repair as many roadways as possible before they worsen. The blitz will continue for at least two weeks, possibly longer if needed.

TPW’s Street Services Division has determined that 40 percent more potholes are on Fort Worth streets now compared to before the storm. Conditions are expected to worsen over the next month.

But street repair crews are concentrating on potholes, suspending all other work except other emergency repairs. With 26 crews working citywide, capable of repairing 150 to 200 potholes each per day, some 4,000-5,000 potholes will be repaired daily.

Arterial streets that carry more traffic are assigned a high priority for repairs. Other streets will be repaired as resources allow.

To report potholes, call 817-392-8100.


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