Review updated plans for Fort Worth’s future in the draft 2010 Comprehensive Plan during community meetings this fall.
To begin the annual update process, the Planning and Development Department, along with other city departments and the City Plan Commission, prepare the public review draft. The draft is available for review online now, and will be available for review at City Hall and city libraries and community centers by Sept. 11.
The city updates the Comprehensive Plan through a public participation process that includes community meetings. During the next few months, city staff will meet with neighborhood associations and community groups that have requested an opportunity to discuss the proposed 2010 plan.
Themes of the draft 2010 plan include promoting economic growth, meeting the needs of an expanding population, revitalizing the central city, developing multiple growth centers and celebrating the Trinity River.
To learn more about the draft 2010 Comprehensive Plan, or to arrange a meeting for your organization, call the Planning and Development Department at 817-392-8000.
Source: City of Fort Worth