November 3, 2010 · Filed Under Events and News 

Sept. 29th Zoning Meeting
Sign In Sheet – 14 people + 2 EC members
AHNA Membership was not verified, nor was property ownership.

The AHNA President began the meeting with an overview of the residential block by block re-zoning process (from B-2 to A-5) as administered by the City of Fort Worth. We then discussed what involvement the NA has in this re-zoning process.
Q: What does the petition state?
A: An attendee read aloud a copy of the City’s petition.
The attendee who asked the question stated that the petition did not properly inform signees of the consequences and loss of property rights that result from signing in favor of changing their zoning from B-2 to A-5.
Q: How does the NA control information owners are given when they sign this petition?
A: The NA does not provide any written information to owners in conjunction with the petition. All information about this process if provided by the City of Fort Worth to the property owner.
Q: There is concern about the NA providing owners with ‘half truths’ relative to development. Issues such as McMansions, squirrel rendering plants, drainage, multi-units on one lot, density, and other issues were presented in a manner to strike fear into AHNA residents and coerce neighbors to sign petitions.
Q: Does the NA provide residents with the differences between B-2 and A-5?
This generated discussion about the differences between the two zones relative to setbacks, height limits, ect..
Concerns were voiced about general development in the neighborhood. Topics debated were:
• Property values with points made on single family, multi-family, remodels, new construction, ect.
• Density
• Renters
• Aesthetics – a majority of attendees agreed that if new development ‘fit’ into the neighborhood aesthetically, there may be less opposition to new development.
Q: Should the NA look into creating requirements on aesthetics for new development?
An attendee asked for a show of hands of people at the meeting who were opposed to re-zoning. A majority raised their hands (11) in opposition to re-zoning. Four (4) raised their hands in support of rezoning.
Another attendee asked for a show of hands of people at the meeting who owned property in the 6 blocks currently up for rezoning. A majority raised their hands (2) in support of rezoning. One (1) raised their hand in opposition of rezoning.
Q: Because a majority of meeting attendees are opposed to re-zoning, shouldn’t the NA now oppose the 6 blocks up for rezoning?
A: The NA will support these 6 blocks because a majority of owners on these blocks have signed a petition in support of the zoning change.
Q: Is this a Neighborhood Association or a Block Association?
A: This is a NA and per our bylaws we can support or oppose any zoning case in our neighborhood. The NA has chosen to support these 6 blocks because the owners have signed a petition in favor of this zoning change.
Q: Could the NA establish a super majority percentage approval standard from neighbors affected by zoning changes before supporting or opposing cases?
A: This will be discussed by the EC.
Q: There is concern about EC members submitting petitions to the City of Fort Worth.
A: There was a particular case where a Block Point Person asked an EC member to drop off a petition for them at the City due to a work conflict. This was done as a favor.
Q: There is concern about the consistency of the NA in their opposition or support of zoning changes. An example, a re-zoning case from 2003 for a property in the 4700 block of Byers (behind The Original). This rezoning case was supported by AHNA and that same standard is not being applied today.
A: I am not aware of this case and cannot comment.
Q: Could there be more zoning discussion at General Membership meetings? As well as more information about all zoning changes sent to the Neighborhood as a whole?
A: We do inform all residents of requested zoning changes at General Membership meetings after the Zoning Committee and affected neighbors have met to discuss them.

Meeting Adjourned @ 7:30


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