My Favorite Neighborhood Tree
A second tree has been “tagged” as being a neighbor’s favorite. Do you recognize this awesome tree and where it is located? There are more fabulous trees in our great neighborhood. Show us where by sending a photo to
This is a very large and old live oak tree on the SW corner of Collinwood and Sutter. I believe it must have been there before the house was. It has all these interesting branches curving out every which way. I have lived here more than 30 years and that tree has always been huge! Since they are slow growers I always imagined it must have been there when the old Army camp had their horses at what is now the Botanic Gardens, since it is so close. I can picture a mounted solder or maybe even an Indian resting in the shade under the canopy of the tree. (Photo by Carol Berry)
This stunning elm is at the corner of Hillcrest and Bryce. I’ve driven past it for countless years and had never noticed what a spectacular tree it is.